
Owalo confirms hack on eCitizen platform, no data lost

Nairobi, Kenya July 27... ICT and digital economy CS Eliud Owalo ha confirmed hack on the government services platform ecitizen  Speaking on Thursday Owalo said that the government is making every effort to ensure no data is losed and ensure safety There was an attack an we are addressing that we are not just coming with remedial measures to address the situation "Owalo said The CS further assured that during the attack no data was accessed or lost This comes after Kenyans complained that they were unable to access government services through that portal  "what they did was to try jamming up the system by making more ordinary requests into the system" he said  Most Kenyans encountered errors when they tried to log in  

Ministry of Education in collaboration with KICD hosts 4th African Curriculum Association (ACA) Conference

  Nairobi, Kenya July 24… African States have been asked to design curricula that will not only enable African youth to work but empower them to be creative, youths are the agent of change and with a relevant curriculum in the 21st Century, it is feasible to drive the continent to greater heights. The three-day conference brings together countries including Chad, Benin, Uganda, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Congo Brazzaville, Gambia, Eswatini, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Niger, South Sudan, among others Participants at the fourth African Curriculum Association (ACA) Conference in Nairobi heard how the continent is lagging behind because of outdated or inappropriate learning content that hardly helps human capital formation optimize performance. “When I taught in the US before joining politics at home, I observed the gaps that were there between our system and that of the US and I picked positive lessons that I used for establishing model

Inua Jamii Programme beneficiaries gets their payments

  Nairobi, Kenya July 24… The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection has released Ksh 8.3 billion for payment to beneficiaries enrolled in the Inua Jamii programme, and a further KSh.11.2 million for Nutrition Improvement through Cash and Health Education (NICHE), which is a complementary Programme. Each Inua Jamii beneficiary will receive KSh. 8,000 for March-April and May-June 2023 payment cycles in addition this is the second tranche that was promised to take place immediately after the recently concluded November-December 2022 and January- February 2023 payment, Furthermore, will be for 1 million regular Inua Jamii beneficiaries and 5,607 NICHE beneficiaries under the Older Persons Cash Transfer Programme, Orphans and Vulnerable Children Programme (CT-OVC) and Persons with Severe Disabilities Cash Transfer Programme. “The Government remains committed to ensuring the most vulnerable members in the society are cushioned and their livelihoods improved” added CS Florence Bore

Password shairing No : Netflix announces

  Nairobi, Kenya July 21. ..Streaming giant Netflix has announced its decision to end password sharing across the world   Netflix has been wrestling with a sharp slowdown in growth since the pandemic, as competition heats up, households grapple with rising costs and it reaches what analysts see as saturation point in some of its biggest markets. In May, Netflix had imposed restrictions on password sharing in several countries including major markets like the US, UK and France The company has been cracking down on password sharing across the world in a bid to boost revenue after a slump in growth since the pandemic In addition, the company also launched a less expensive streaming plan with ads last year and cut prices in dozens of countries in February.

Kenya Railways suspends its Train services

Nairobi, Kenya July 18. .. All commuter Train services will temporarily be suspended on Wednesday July 19 2023  "This is a precautionary measure arising from recent incidents where our stations were vandalised and trains stoned, putting passengers lives at great risk" indicated a statement by Kenya Railways . Following Azimio coalition led by Raila odinga announced a three day anti government protests set for Wednesday to Friday Among the routes set to be affected are Nairobi commuter Rail service trains serving between Nairobi central station and Lukenya, Skokimau, Embakasi village ,Ruiru, Kahawa west and Limuru  "The cooperation is compelled to take these measures as the safety of our customers is, and will will always be of paramount importance to us" Kenya railways added. 

Stop arrogant leadership: Archbishop Muheria tells off Ruto

Nairobi, Kenya July 17... Archbishop Anthony Muheria has asked President William Ruto to stop arrogant leadership and listen to Kenyans  Muheria said while speaking on Citizen TV's JKL live show on Sunday, July 16 2023  that the current leadership should change its way of ruling and aim at finding solutions to address challenges currently being faced by Kenyans “Leadership needs to be humane, empathetic, compassionate. Currently, the leader is rough, insulting, arrogant and imposing. We are going into a very wrong leadership, which is why religious leaders want to talk,” said Muheria. The Archbishop further pleads with the government to listen to Kenyans and get to know how tough things are on the ground "We must touch the ground, and know how people feel, That's why we ask the government to listen to the plight of Kenyans." he stated. He added that Kenyans are going through various challenges and the government should over an ear to the problems calling lea

Bamburi Cement targets to increase total procurement spend on special groups, including Women-owned Businesses to 30 per cent by 2025

Nairobi, Kenya July 17. .. Bamburi Cement PLC, a member of the Holcim Group, in partnership with International Finance Corporation (IFC) through the Sourcing2Equal (S2E) program, has embarked on a special training initiative targeting women-owned businesses to increase their participation in the procurement opportunities within its supply chain. Speaking during the first training session today which was attended by over 200 women-owned businesses, Bamburi Cement PLC Country CEO Mr. Mohit Kapoor expressed the company’s intentional commitment to its Sustainable Procurement Agenda whose core element is to ensure diversity and gender inclusivity in access to procurement contracts. “Many Women-owned Small and Medium Enterprises (WSMEs) continue to face challenges while navigating local complex corporate value chains, due to a myriad of challenges like poor credit muscle and lack of information. We are committed to providing a lasting solution that promotes equitable competition for supply c