Stop arrogant leadership: Archbishop Muheria tells off Ruto

Nairobi, Kenya July 17...Archbishop Anthony Muheria has asked President William Ruto to stop arrogant leadership and listen to Kenyans 

Muheria said while speaking on Citizen TV's JKL live show on Sunday, July 16 2023  that the current leadership should change its way of ruling and aim at finding solutions to address challenges currently being faced by Kenyans

“Leadership needs to be humane, empathetic, compassionate. Currently, the leader is rough, insulting, arrogant and imposing. We are going into a very wrong leadership, which is why religious leaders want to talk,” said Muheria.

The Archbishop further pleads with the government to listen to Kenyans and get to know how tough things are on the ground

"We must touch the ground, and know how people feel, That's why we ask the government to listen to the plight of Kenyans." he stated.

He added that Kenyans are going through various challenges and the government should over an ear to the problems calling leaders to sit together and sort out the issues affecting the citizens , saying that Kenyans expectations have been met by disappointments bearing the current economic struggles and high cost of living which has made life unbearable for many 

Muheria further called on leaders in the current administration to have a discussion with members of the clergy on how to effectively handle political differences and how to better governance in the country.

He also describe the current regime under president Ruto's leadership as arrogant, insulting and imposing

In addition, he made a call to law enforcement officers  not to use excessive force and live bullets while tackling the demonstrators urging them to be humane as they go about there work

"The police must learn to be very humane. It's not acceptable to use live bullets even in these circumstances. We cannot condone the use of live ammunition and brutality of police even with people who are doing ill," he added 



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