Nairobi disability caucus: Issues a report on Educational reform on inclusive education for learners with disabilities

Nairobi, Kenya August 25...The organisation of persons with disability caucus (OPDs) with its work to champion for the rights of persons with disabilities in all spheres of life as envisioned in the legal frameworks 

"Education forms a basis on which all learners including those living with disabilities can effectively participate in  the society mainstream development agenda to facilitate them to engaged in livelihood opportunities" reads a statement 

According to representative they say that various barriers faced by learners with disabilities undermine their inclusion in education

" we acknowledge and appreciate the effort and the work done by the group"said a representative 

On June 2023 the presidential working party on Educational reform released a report 

In addition the report addresses some aspects of inclusive education including the mention of legal an policy frameworks that have provisions for enhancing inclusive education 

Subsequently meaningful and effective involvement of persons with disabilities and their representative organization opportunities in the implementation process 


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