Competition Authority of Kenya (CAK) launches competition and consumer protection law digest

NAIROBI, Kenya Feb 26...The law digest aims to enhance understanding of competition and consumer protection law in the country, expose stakeholders to Authority's decision making processes and further develop jurisprudence

Restrictive trade practices, mergers and Acquisitions, consumer protection and abuse of buyer power are among cases covered by the law 

Furthemore the digest provides detailed accounts of the market inquires and studies Authority has conducted in various sectors in a bid to address anti-competitive and consumer welfare concerns and inform policy decisions 

"In the course of executing our mandate , the Authority endervous to be highly transparent, predictable and accountable to our stakeholders,  the digest has been developed in fulfilment of this aspiration" said Shaka kariuki, Authority's board Chairman

"The Authority generates and proactively publishes information regarding our mandate execution , including determination , orders, market studies which are available in disperate formats and locations" said Dr.Adano wario, Authority's Acting Director General 

The launch of the digest was a peak of a two day 2024 of International competition (ICN) Advocacy network organized by the Authority under the theme Bouncing Back: Competition advocancy and resilience to global shocks 


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