KFCB Bans Embarambamba, Getumbe Songs 'Niko Uchi' and 'Yesu Ninyandue' over Inappropriate and harmful content

NAIROBI, Kenya Feb 29...Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) through its media monitoring department has received complaints and outcry on inapropriate audio-visual by some local artists which is circulating of various media platforms 

Chris Embarambamba with his new song title 'Niko Uchi' among other songs and William Getumbe song 'Yesu ninyandue' the songs which contravene Film and stage play acts cap 222 of laws of Kenya are circulating on social media and other media platforms, eleciting outcry from the public

"The song title 'Niko uchi' contains nudity , vulgarity with artist's dancing styles are violent and others present imitable behaviour which if copied by children or minors can be dangerous and disastrous"

KFCB has issued a demand letter to Chris Embarambamba an William Getumbe to pull down any inapropriate content from there various platforms , failure to which the two will face the law

Subsequently letters have been issued to relevant platforms to pull down the inappropriate content by Chris embarambamba and william Getumbe 

"The board shall continue to monitor and flag inappropriate and disturbing Audio-visual content and report the same to various governmmet agencies and platform operators for appropriate action" reads a statement by KFCB.


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