Private hospitals to stop its services to NHIF beneficiaries

NAIROBI,Kenya Mar 14...The Kenya Association of Private Hospitals (KAPH) has announced that its stopping service delivery to NHIF beneficiaries due to the unpaid debts to private hospitals ,(KAPH) consists of small,medium and large privately owned health facilities in urban

"Our member hospitals have been forced to take expensive credit,lay off workers and default on supplier payments to continued offering care to NHIF beneficiaries"

The Association further claims that NHIF have been remitting very little amount of money owed which is not in a position to sustain operations adding that facilities closing some hospital operations or closing the health care facilities completely due to non payment for service offered 

"For the above reasons our member facilities shall not be able to continue offering quality health services without payment ,we have issued a 7 day demand notice the NHIF/SHA to release all funds owed to members as per our contractual agreements which is 60-day after service offering"

"Our members shall stop services to NHIF beneficiaries should the fund not honour the payments as stipulated in hospital contracts"  reads a statement by Kenya Association of Private Hospitals (KAPH) .


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