Experts, Specialists and Delegates from East and Southern Africa convoke for Nutrition sensitive Agriculture workshop

PHOTO: Sara Mbago, Regional Director, International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) speaking during the workshop.

NAIROBI, Kenya, June 11...The three day workshop on Nutrition sensitive Agriculture, Rural Development and food System Transformation for IFAD's project in East and Southern Africa kicks off at SafariPark Hotel, Nairobi.

With its aim to address Malnutrition as a major health problem in the regions, undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies a growing number of people in East and Southern Africa struggling with overweight and obesity including children, men and women.

It has drawn delegates from Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Malawi, Comoros, Angola, Zimbambwe, Madagascar, Mozambique, Lesotho, Yemen and South Sudan.

Kenya has a triple burden of malnutrition, undernutrition, Stunting and wasting at 10, 18 and 5 percent resectively, Micronutrient deficiencies ( Zinc, Vit A, Iron, B Vits among others) overweight, obesity with increasing burden of diet- related non communicable diseases.

Subsequently at the global level, impact of malnutrition on economies is estimated to reach $3.5 trillion per year, with national level studies estimate that malnutrition can reduce a countries GDP by upto 11 percent and that individuals who affected by stunting can earn upto 22 percent less in their lifetime compared compared to their peers.

In addition despite some progress in the reegion in reducing stunting rates among children under 5 most notable in Kenya, Ethiopia, Rwanda and Uganda, countries in East and Southern Africa still face significant challenges in meeting nutrition targets.

Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock development has roll out robust measures in improving livelihoods of Kenyans and ensure food and nutrition several with interventions being implemented.

Among  interventions are Policy framework, National training package on Nutrition sensitive Agriculture and food system Program, Integrated kitchen gardening, Biofortification, Home grown schools meal system, Urban and Peri-Urban agriculture, indegenois food system, cooking demos and energy conservation.

"There is need to harness potential of rural agriculture production system for healthy diets through divesification using innovations, technology, research and science- based solutions to boost its potential to provide safe, diverse and nutritious foods for all".   


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