MCK, KEG condemns attacks on Journalists covering protests

PHOTO: Kameme TV Journalist Catherine Wanjeri Kariuki in pain after being shot by the police while covering protests.

NAIROBI, Kenya, July 16... Media council of Kenya (MCK) with Kenya Editors' Guild (KEG) have come out to Condemn continued attacks on journalists going about their work despite being well identified and visibly branded.

"The shooting of Catherine Wanjeri Kariuki a Nakuru-based journalist attached to Kameme TV, while in the company of other journalists and the police is shameful and terrifying, we wish her speedy recovery and affirm our support" reads a statement by MCK.

The council called upon Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA) to conclude investigations and bring the police terrorising journalists to justice.

"We condemn the harrasment of journalists covering the protests, we have over and over again witnessed police attack journalists with teargas canisters and dangerous chemicals and destruction of equipment" stated KEG.   

"Citizens have a rigjt to picket at the constitution provides and we expect law enforcements agents to abide by the law " added Zubeidah Kananu, President Kenya Editors' Guild .

Media council of Kenya further urged journalists and media workers to prioritize their safety, uphold proffesionalism and take all the necessary precautions while working in a hostile environment.  


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