'Government focuses on empowering Small Businesses for Economic growth' says Government spokesman Dr. Mwaura

PHOTO: Government Spokesman, Dr. Isaac Mwaura during the briefing at KICC, Nairobi.

NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 13... The Government Spokesman Dr. Isaac Mwaura while addressing journalists has reiterated government's commitment in empowering the MSME sector which employes about 85 per cent of Country's workforce.

Dr. Mwaura adds that President Ruto's administration has placed focus in supporting and enhancing the sectors ability to contribute towards the economic transformation through the Bottom Up  Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA).

"It aspires to tranform the MSME economy to absorb the young Kenyans joining the workforce every year and grow the operational surplus for workers" said Dr. Isaac Mwaura.

The spokesman adds that the government is committed to providing access to finance, enhancing infrastructure and capacity building while addressing issues that previously hampered the sectors growth.

In addition significant progress include refurbishment and equiping  of 21 County Industrial Development Centers (CIDs) which provides spaces for SMES and create opportunities for formal and informal employment.

Revived centers include leather value chains in Suneka,Isiolo south , Malindi, Runyenjes and Banisa with Textile value chains including Mwea,Kitale, Olkalau and Embakasi North.

Subsequently dairy value chains in Machakos town, Kajiado central, Ilasit, Item and Aldai-Kabujo with edible oils valie chain in kangema, Othaya and Londiani.

Furthermore the ongoing construction of County Aggregation Industrial parks (CAIPs) across 19 counties expected to expand job opportunities and support new ventures.

The government adds that since the launch of Hustler fund in 2022 has benefited 21.87 million individuals, disbursing Ksh 54.9 billion and enabling borrowers to save 3.1 billion with 673, 340 groups have received Ksh 185.8 million with savings of Ksh 9.3 million.

"This initiative aim to boost financial inclusion and support economic growth across various sectors" added Mwaura.


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