'JKIA is a National Asset and not For Sale' Goverment Spokesman Dr. Isaac Mwaura says

PHOTO: Government Spokesman, Dr. Isaac Mwaura during press briefing at KICC, Nairobi.
NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 5... Government Spokesman Dr. Isaac Mwaura in a press briefing has called out those Spreading false information on various Social media platforms alegging sale of Jommo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) to Indian private investors.

"The Jommo Kenyatta International Airport is a National Asset constructed in 1978 and managed by Kenya Airport Authority (KAA) has seen significant infrastructure deterioration over the past 45 years its current state is inadequate to support the growing passenger and cargo traffic which surged beyond its 7.5 million passenger capacity to 8.6 million last year" said Dr. Isaac Mwaura.

Mwaura added that its inconsistent with Nairobi's role as a major hub for multilateral and international Organizations  similar to cities like  Geneva and New York and is further strained by increased economic activity, tourism growth and the new Visa free regime.

"JKIA suffers from insufficient Aircraft parking, outdated passenger terminals and baggage handling systems amd inefficient passenger and cargo processing, resulting in long waiting times and operational disruptions" added Mwaura.

The Government Spokesman further raiterates that the challenges have caused international embarrastment and have highlighted the need for modernization.

 In addition government has prioritized development of a new Passenger terminal, refurbishment of existing terminals, construction of a second runway and enhancement of cargo facilities.

"These upgrades are part of the Cabinet-Approved National Aviation Policy and JKIA's medium term investment plan, government is committed to transparency and accountability through the process which will include public-private partnership vigourous oversight at every stage" stated Dr. Mwaura.



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