Voice For Palestine launches Gaza Medical Campaign

PHOTO: During the Launch of Gaza Medical Campaign and address to the members of fourth Estate at Jamia Mosque, Nairobi. 

NAIROBI, Kenya, Oct 10... The Voice for Palestine is a consortium of different organizations which include Jamia Mosque Committee, Supreme Council of Kenyan Muslims (SUPKEM) and National Muslim Leaders Forum (NAMLEF), Council of Imams and Preachers of Kenya( CIPK), Kenya Association of Muslim Medical Practitioners (KAMMP) and several mosques around Nairobi.

The campaign comes as crisis continues to escalate in Gaza with more than 42,000 lives loss in a relentless bombing campaing by Israel which has virtually decated the whole of Gaza strip with many of the Victims being innocent Women and children.

"Kenyans like other people from around the world have been responding tonthe plight of the people of Gaza and have in the past raised more than Ksh 50 million to assist in Humanitarian efforts". they said in a joint statement.

In addition more than two million people in Gaza have been displaced by the conflict which has been raging on for the past year.

"The voice for Palestine is working with international recognized agencies to help the people of Gaza receive medical treatment in and outside the enclave, through this initiative we hope to raise at least 500,000 USD towards the Gaza Medical camp", adds the Statement.

Israel attack on Gaza has spread over to Lebanon where it is facing daily attacks which have claimed 1000 lives and led to massive destructions and displacement of thousands of people.

Furthermore, they call upon the Kenyan government to join the global efforts to call for peace and stability in the region and an end to the carnage in Gaza and Lebanon.

"As we launch this campaign, we call upon Kenyans from the diverse backgrounds to join the efforts to support the medical needs of the people of Palestine".        



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