Keep the promise :PACJA launches Climate Justice campaign

Nairobi, Kenya September 8... The Pan-African Climate Justice alliance (PACJA) launches a campaign as they steer up in advocating for climate justice across the continent 

The campaign "Keep the promise" calls for developed nations, leaders to fulfil their promises and be accountable in climate actions calling on commitments of head of states in pushing for financing to help combat climate crisis in the continent 

It comes as the climate week historic event held in Nairobi comes to an end where dozens of Heads of states, parliamentarians, institutions , partners and other delegates convened at the Africa climate summit (ACS) 2023

In addition the campaign will work together with various groups of people to enhance effectiveness of climate response measures

While calling on leaders to honour their commitments for climate action saying that its time for less talk and more action on Climate 

This comes as road to Cop28 begins which is set to take place in Dubai urging leaders to put the continent in a strong position in addressing climate and safeguard the continent 


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