Media council of Kenya condemns attack on journalists

        A photo of Media council of Kenya               CEO David omwoyo at a past event

NAIROBI, Kenya Sep 19...Media Council of Kenya strongly condemn attack on journalists who were covering a security operation at an illegal alcohol brewing den in Matungulu machakos county

Mike Ndunda from Kamba TV, Richard muasya from Athiani FM and Boniface mutisya of Mutongoi TV had been invited to cover the raid of conducted by katine are chief Francis mulinge and were attacked while recording the operation 

"We wish to remind members of the public that freedom of the press is a fundamental pillar of a democratic society an journalist play a crucial role in keeping the public informed by highlighting societal evils" reads a statement 

In addition media council of Kenya added that attacks on journalists not only vialote basic human rights but also undermine principles of free speech and open discourse that are vital for a healthy society 

"We urge our law enforcement authorities to take swift and decisive action to investigate and prosecute those responsible for the attacks, these attacks on journalists are crimes that go againsts the journalist's rights and priviledges protected by law under the constitution and Media Council act 2013" reads further the statement 


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