Five Suspects arrested over transfomer vandalism

NAIROBI, Kenya Oct 9...Kenya power security team has arrested transfomer vandalis within Muranga county, James nganga muiruri at his home at Karugia area within saba saba

Vincent Gatoto ndumia was arrested at keria village near Mitarakwa factory within muranga county while attempting to vandalise  a 100KVA transfomer 

Kenya power's Ag. Security services Manager Maj. paul Nyaga (Rtd) lauded support that the company has received from the national security institutions in fighting vandalism and theft of electricity and warned members of public againts engaging in illegal activities on electricity network

"I want to thank the DCI and NGAO officers for the swift action during the operations that we carried out surveillance on the Network to weed out all illegal activities that not only endager the lives o the vandals but also pose danger of loss of lives to members if the public" said Maj. Nyaga

Subsequently upon search at their homes they were found in possesion of a Kenya power's service cable 

During the operation, multi-agency security team also trailed and arrested 4 more suspects who are beleived to be part of a larger syndicate during vandalism of transformers and other electricity equipment within the counties of Muranga and Nyeri 


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