President Ruto directs reopening of schools postponed until further notice

NAIROBI, Kenya, May 3...President William Ruto while issuing State of the Nation address at Statehouse,Nairobi has directed Ministry of Education to postpone reopening of schools for second term until further notice.

The head of state stated that Cabinet had met three times on the flood crisis being experienced in the country as relocation notices have been issued to those living in flood prone areas.

"The rains will persist increasing both in duration ans intensity for the rest of this month and possibly after" Said President Ruto.

Weather man on his part has warned that heavy rainfall is set to be experienced in different parts of the country calling on citizens to take caution as Cyclone Hidaya likely to hit the Kenyan coast in 3 days as it may disrupt activities and settlement along the coast region.

"Ministry of Agriculture through National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) to make available food suppliers for relief as interior Ministry to coordinate relocation and evacuation of those affected" he added.

Ruto further added that going foward Government will give directions on the flood crisis and opening of schools urging Kenyans not to risk their lives crossing over flooded rivers or roads.



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