MCK condemns arrest and attacks on journalists

PHOTO: Standard Group Video editor , Justice Mwangi Macharia being arrested while covering the protests

NAIROBI, Kenya, June 19...The Media council of Kenya (MCK) has condemned Arbitrary arrests and attacks on journalusts covering tuesday 19 June 2024 protests in Nairobi central business district by armed police officers.

The council says that its dismayed that while journalists were relying on police to provide them with security in line of duty,the security guards resorted in manhandling, harrasing, arresting and assaulting them despite journalists identified with MCK press cards and press jackets.

"In an incident captured on a video, Standard Group video editor Justice mwangi macharia was arrested and violently hauled out of a moving police motor vehicle sustaining injuries" Stated Mr Omwoyo.

Nation Media Group Taifa leo reporter Sammy kimatu was also thrown out of a moving police land rover vehicle sustain some injuries and currently receiving treatment Maureen murethi( NTV) also hospitalised after police aimed a canister at her as she covered the protest.

"The unfortunate event reminds us thst members of the National Police Service remain weak link in Kenya's quest for freedomof expression and media freedom as espoused on the constitution" added Mr. Omwoyo



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