Government disburses June 2024 funds for Inua Jamii Cash Transfer Initiative

PHOTO: Joseph Motari, Principal Secretary  Ministry of Labour and Social pretection.

NAIROBI, Kenya, July 1...The Ministry of Labour and Social protection on Friday 28th June 2024 released Ksh 3, 215, 992,000 for June 2024 payment to beneficiaries enrolled in the Inua Jamii programme.

570, 263 are new beneficiaries on boarded by the ministry, with totap beneficiaries in June payroll stands at 1, 607, 996 up from 1, 037, 733 in May 2024.

This follows President William Ruto's directive in 2023 to upscale the programme to 2.5M beneficiaries which will be done in phases.

Payments will commence on 3rd July 2024 all the new beneficiaries who have opened bank accounts will be paid from Wednesday.

Inua Jamii Program is a Government Cash Transfer initiative that supports the most vulnerable members of the community by providing them with stipend to cushion them from poverty , hunger and improve their lives.




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