Ms Sussie Ingosi Ndanyi appointed NCCK Deputy General Secretary

PHOTO: The New NCCK Deputy General Secretary, MS Sussie Ingosi Ndanyi.

NAIROBI, Kenya, July 29...The appointment takes effect July 29 2024 as provided for in the NCCK constitution, the Deputy General Secretary serves one year of Six years renewable once.

Prior the appointment Ms Ndanyi served as a Member of the Executive Board of Friends World Committee for consultation, leardership of Friends United meeting and Treasurer of NCCK Nairobi region.

Furthermore Ms Ndanyi holds a Master in Business Administration in Project Management from Kenyatta University, Master of Divinity in peace and Justice from Earlham school of region and Bachelor of Commerce in Finance and Marketing from the University of Nairobi.

"She brings to the NCCK a wealth of Experience in church Administration, advocacy, operational and financial oversight, risk assessment control, policy formulation and implementation" reads a statement by NCCK.


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