CS Kindiki says government committed to ensure peace and security across the country

NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 18... The Cabinet Secretary Interior and National Administration Prof. Kithure Kindiki has said government is committed to the realisation of peace and security across the country.

Kindiki added that it is as a conditional precedent for the social economic transformation of the Country. 

The CS held discussions with political leaders from Marsabit County to build consensus on priority interventions for improving the security situation and a coordinated implementation of Government development projects in the County.

"Realisation of this objective requires constant harmonisation of initiatives and interventions by the National and respective County Governments as well as the involvement of the public through their elected representatives". said CS Kithure Kindiki. 

Among those in attendance were Governor Mahmoud Ali, Senator Mohamed Chute, Woman Representative Naomi Waqo, MPs Dido Rasso (Saku), Guyo Wako (North Horr), Jaldesa Guyo (Moyale), Joseph Lekuton (Laisamis) and Principal Secretary, Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Kello.


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