AFIDEP unveils findings on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH), advocates for increased funding to strengthen Kenya's health sector

PHOTO: Dr. Michael Chipeta, Senior researcher and project lead African Institute of Development Policy (AFIDEP) speaking during MNCH workshop in Nairobi.   

NAIROBI, Kenya, Nov 1...The event themed 'State of Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) progress in Kenya' brought together leaders in public health, policy and development in Nairobi to dicuss innovative solutions to scale up MNCH services.

The landmark project supported by UK-based Children's Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) aims to reallign Kenya, Ethiopia and Nigeria with sustainable development goals (SDG 3) targets focused on promoting health and well-being.

AFIDEP Back-on-Track project Leverages on Health Management Information Systems (HMIS), Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), Geographic Information System data and stakeholder insights, the project evaluated critical indicators like child immunization rates, antenatal care, skilled birth attendance and modern contraception usage among women including sexual active adolescent girls and women.

"Back-on-Track project builds a data driven roadmap of essential of intervention that can truly transform lives on a large scale by prioritizing availability, accessibility , quality and utilization of MNCH services we aim to address critical challenges in Kenya and drive meaningful progress toward SDG 3", said Dr. Michael Chipeta, project lead.

Furthermore, project findings shows that National Child Immunization remained largely resilient with 8 counties experienced a significant decline in antenatal care visit and several saw a decrease in skilled birth attendance.

The reasearch indicates substantial variations in marten am and child healthcare access at sub-national levels with disruption most prominent in underserved regions  across the country.

"The Back-on-Track project aligns closely with Kenya's health priorities and provide us with clear on where our focus needs to be particularly in areas like maternal mortality, child vaccination coverage and reproductive health services", stated Dr. Edward Serem, Head Division of Reproductive and Martenal Heath MoH in his speech.  

To address challenges within Kenya's health sector, AFIDEP advocates for improved data systems, digital tools and increased funding to strengthen Kenya's health sector among others.

"With the insights gained from the Back-On-Track project, we aim to empower public institutions to implement evidence-driven policies that foster sustainable improvements in maternal, newborn and child health", added Dr. Chipeta.


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