Kenya Meteorogical department issues forecast on October, November and December 2023 season

Nairobi, Kenya August 31...The short rains October, November and December (OND) season constitutes an important rainfall season in Kenya particularly in the central and Eastern regions of the country 

During the OND 2023 it is expected that the country will experience enhance rainfall that will be distributed in others in both time and space 

In addition the forecast also indicates a high probability that some counties in the Northeastern region are likely to experience above average rainfall

Throughout the season it is anticipated that most areas will relatively have a relatively fair to good distribution of rainfall in both time and space 

Subsequently occasional storms are likely to occur over several parts of the country during the season throughout the season 

The lake victoria basin, Highlands west of Riftvalley,  central and South Riftvalley is expected to have while Nothwestern counties are likely to experience occasional rainfall during the season


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