Heads of state and other delegates gather to address climate issues across the globe

Nairobi, Kenya September 4...Africa Climate summit (ACS) 2023 officially kicks off with thousands of delegates and heads of states across the globe attending the historic event in Nairobi, Kenya

President William Ruto led other heads of state, parliamentarians, institutions  and partners at the historic event bringing together African leaders and delegates on discussing climate issues across the globe 

Speaking during the opening of ACS2023 PACJA Executive director Dr Mithika mwenda emphasized  that historic divide between the North and the South I Climate negotiations and stressed the importance of focusing adaptation and mitigation to combat the existential threat to humanity and the planet 

"This summit is not just about conversations , its about restoring hop and dignity to those whose lives have been disrupted by climate changes" reads a statement 

The 3-day conference is set to address climate issues across the globe as dozens of leaders gather together to discuss and give solutions to climate impacts on the continent and livelihoods 


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