Oxfam urges African leaders to speak up and address Climate crisis

Nairobi, Kenya September 5...The worsening climate crisis in East Africa has been extreme as Kenya,  Ethiopia, Somalia and South Sudan incurred $7.4 billion of livestock loses as a result of climate change 

According to Oxfam report shows that the biggest polluting nations have fallen short of meeting humanitarian funds that East African countries need to recover from climate fuelled hunger crisis

"Even by their own generous accounts, polluting nations have delivered only pittance to help East Africa scale up mitigation and adaptation efforts with nearly 45 percent of the funds they did give were loans thus plunging the region on further debt" Oxfam in Africa director Fati N'zi-Hassane said 

Furthermore the prolonged drought and ematic rainfalls have killed nearly 13 million animals and decimated hundreds of thousands of hectares of crops leaving people without income nor food

In addition the four countries have significantly lost approximately $7.4 billion worth of livestock with over 31 million people across the countries suffering severe hunger due to a two-year drought and years of flooding 

"Rich polluting nations countinue to rig the system by disregarding the billions owed to East Africa while millions of people left to starve from repeated climate shocks" added N'Zi-Hassane 

An estimated $30 billion have been incurred by the four countries in losses from 2021 to the end of 2023

"Leading up to Cop28 , African voices must be loud in demanding rich polluting nations to drastically cut their emissions and compensate East Africa for all their climate loss and damage so as the region to recover from the worsening climatic shocks" 


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