ASKY Airlines launch Lome, Togo-Nairobi route

NAIROBI, Kenya Oct 2...The airline serves a vast network of destinations connecting Abidjan, Abuja, Accra, Bamako, Bangui, Bissau, Beirut , Brazaville, Conakry and Cotonou

Among other destinations include Dakar, Doulla, Freetown, Kinshasa, Lago, Libreville, Monrovia, Ndjamena, Njamey, Ougadougou, Pointe noive and Younde

"It marks direct connnection between west and East Africa" said Kenya Airports Authority chairman Caleb kositany

Kositany further added that plans were in place to build a new an modern Terminal at JKIA signaling kenya's comnitment to reinforce JKIA's status as Africa's premier hub and ideal gateway into and out of East and Central Africa


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