Deputy president Rigathi Gachagua departs for Belgium and Germany

NAIROBI,Kenya Oct 24...The deputy president will represent President William Ruto at the Global gateway form hosted by the European Commision in the Capital,Brussels 

The forum aims to strengthen relations between the European Union (EU) and its partners including Kenya in key sectors such as digital innovation,green energy ,Transport,Healthcare and Education

Subsequently the deputy president will hold talks with European commision president Ursula Von Leyen on boosting bilateral ties between Kenya and the EU 

In addition Gachagua is set to meet with Kenyans living in Belgium at Tangla Hotel in Brussels ,he will later extend his travel to germany for other engagements on Coffee,climate change,Renewable Energy among others 

Deputy president meeting with Kenyan diaspora in Germany will take place at the Bayerischer Hof  Hotel in Munich 


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