Masinde Muliro University of Science and technology bans indecent wear

NAIROBI, Kenya Oct 13...The higher learning institution prohibeted students from wearing indecent clothes while in the premises of the institution 

Plastic shoes, Slipers, crocs, Mini-skirts and riped jeans are among the wearings it has been suspended as Dean of students Bernardatte Abwao expressed concerns  of rising instances of inapropriate dressing among some students

In an internal memo issued by the institution Abwao emphasized on decent dressing attire, stating that individuals donning outfits like tight trousers , torn jeans, low-cut blouses and revealing dresses will not be allowed in campuses 

The rules also extends to offensive writings on T-shirts and attire that exposes undergaments, with male students barred from wearing sagging trousers and chest baring clothing 


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