State to mobilise resources for Thwake dam's Downstream phases under PPP model

NAIROBI, Kenya Oct 12...The state will mobilize funds for implementation of the remaining downstream phases of the iconic Thwake Multipurpose Dam being constructed at the confluence of River Athi and Thwake in the borders of Makueni and Kitui counties

“We are mobilizing for funding under the PPP to fastback the remaining downstream phases of the dam, the Vision 2030 project whose physical completion rate now stands at 86 per cent"

The dam is being funded by the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the government.

 In addition the first phase is expected to be completed by February next year,Phase 1 which is currently at advanced stage, involves construction of an 80.5m high multi-purpose dam with storage capacity of 688 million cubic metre and associated preliminary works.

Second phase, will see development of water supply, sanitation and waste water infrastructure to supply an estimated 150,000 m3/day of treated water to approximately 1.3 million people drawn from the rural areas of Kitui and Makueni counties and Konza Techno City in Machakos County.

Furthermore third phase will see development of hydropower generation system with an installed capacity of approximately 20 MW, while the last phase will entail development of irrigation scheme for 40,000 hectares of land.

Governor Mutula appreciated the ministries interventions in curbing some challenges facing the project which he termed as a game-changer for the residents.



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