Tanzania bans Kenya Airways (KQ) passenger flights from its Air and Land space

PHOTO: Kenya Airways (KQ) plane

NAIROBI, Kenya Jan 16...Tanzania civil Aviation Authority has decided to rescind the approvals for Kenya airways (KQ) to operate passenger flights between Nairobi and Dar es salaam under third and forth freedom traffic rights

"This is to reciprocate  the decision by the aenotical of the republic of Kenya to refuse the Tanzanian request for all cargo flights by Air Tanzania company limited" says a Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority (TCAA)

Following the decision there shall be no passenger flights by KQ between Nairobi and Dar es salaam effective 22 January 2024

"The United Republic of Tanzania shall always strive to adhere to the principles of Chigaco Convention 1944 and Bilaterial Air Services Agreement between states " the statement reads further.


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