Raila closer to African Union (AU) job

NAIROBI, Kenya Mar 15...The African Union executive council says that Eastern Africa region to submit candidates for the position of the Chairperson of Africa commissioj union(AUC), election is schedule for February 2025.

"This is a major breakthrough for the Eastern Africa region to present it candidates for the position of chairperson of AUC" said Musalia mudavadi, Prime cabinet secretary 

The decision is in accordance with statute of the AU commision , the rules of procedure of the African union policy organs and the decision of assembly o heads of states and Government

Decision also provides that the Northern Africa will front candidates for the deputy chairperson while other three regions Central, Southern and Western will compete for the six positions of commissioners 

Mudavadi said that Kenya will work closely within the 14 member state Estern Africa region to build consensus around its candidate and include all other regions to ensure that the opportunity for electing effective leardership of the AUC provides a platform for uniting entire continent


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