County government's urged to speed up in addressing doctor's issues to end strike that has paralyzed country's healthcare system

NAIROBI,Kenya Apr 3...The whole of the Nation Approch Committee converned on 21st March 2024 and subsequently on 27 th March 2024 address the long standing matters that has bedeviled country's healthcare.

"Nation Approach Committee isolated nineteen issues raised in the Notice for Industrial Action and thereafter classified and prioritize each issue ,further assigning responsibility to each tier of government" reads a statement.

Six issues were classified to relate to National government mandate while nine issues were categorized to relate to county governments and four issues fell under concurrent mandate.

Chief of staff and Head of public service Felix Koskei added that county governments are at various stages of addressing issues raised in respect to respective counties ,on the other part National government measures set out have been undertaken in fulfillment of its obligation. 

Facilitated payment of Basic Salary Arrears accrued by National government and Entities arising from 2017-2021 CBA.

Secured the requisite budgetary support in the amount of Ksh 2.4 billion to facilitate the immediate deployment and posting of 2023/2024 cohort of medical students interns in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Salaries and Remuneration commission (SRC) further providing grants and scholarships for eligible postgraduate medical officers.

Furthermore all eligible medical student interns are urged to collect their posting letters from the Ministry of Health's offices with effect Thursday 4th April 2024.


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