
Showing posts from September, 2024

Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) rejects Religious Organizations Bill 2024

PHOTO: Archbishop Dr. Jackson Ole Sapit, addressing the media during a briefing at All Saints Cathedral, Nairobi.  NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 27... The Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) led by Rev. Dr. Jackson Ole Sapit says that they reject Religious Organizations bill 2024 before the senate seeking to regulate churches in the country. "The mission of the church is clearly spelled out by respective religious organization's constitution and any attempts to enact a law that interferes with the operations of church is unacceptable". Said Rev. Jackson Ole Sapit. Similarly the Anglican Church of Kenya has reiterated that it rejects the bill and has demanded immediate withdrawal. In addition they stated that the introduction of taxes to churches, NGOs and the agricultural sector are disincentives and will not provide revenue to the government as envisaged. "We demand that the government review such taxes and recognizes these institutions as providers of services that wo

UASU and KUSU call off nationwide strike, Signs return to Work Formula

PHOTO: CS Labour Dr. Alfred Mutua, PS Higher Education and Research Dr. Betrice Inyangala with UASU and KUSU officials after signing return to work formula at Ministry's headquarters. NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 27..The Nationwide strike, involving university lecturers, non-teaching staff and various workers’ unions, was resolved after a day-long meeting at the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection headquarters led by CS Dr. Alfred Mutua, Labour PS Shadrack Mwadime, Higher Education and Research PS Dr. Beatrice Inyangala among other senior government officials. The agreement was brokered between the Inter-Public Universities Councils Consultative Forum (IPUCCF), Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE), Universities Academic Staff Union (UASU), Kenya Universities Staff Union (KUSU) and Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals, and Allied Workers (KUDHEIHA).  "As part of the return-to-work formula signed with UASU, the strike has been called off im

Government urges all Kenyans to register for Social Health Authority (SHA) to benefit from the scheme

NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 25...Ahead of Social Health Authority (SHA) roll out in October 1 2024, Government says its BETA Agenda prioritizes Universal Health Coverage for all Kenyans regardless of their financial status. The Government Spokesman Dr. Isaac Mwaura says there have been a challenge under the National Health Insurance fund (NHIF) which primarily relies on contributions of employed individuals adding that the process has hindered broader health financing which is essential for providing equitable healthcare services to all kenyans. "Social Health Authority (SHA) aims to include all kenyans in contributing to a sustainable fund that covers a wide range of health services unlike NHIF which mostly required additional community fundraising efforts, SHA ensures every citizen can access quality healthcare through enhanced government financing" said Government Spokesman, Dr. Mwaura.   Subsequently the shift from NHIF to SHA aims to provide comprehensive, quality an

University Lecturers say they won't relent, vow to continue with nationwide strike

NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 24... The staff from University Academic Staff Union (UASU) and the Kenya Universities Staff Union (KUSU) have vowed to continue with their strike despite orders by Employment and Labor relations courts temporarily suspending it. UASU National Secretary General Constantine Wasonga expressed his frustration to the Education Cabinet Secretary Julius Ogamba of not taking them seriously and addressing them. "We don't want any promises, we made our proposal on September 4 2020 and we are civil servants and we want 7-10 per cent that other civil servants have been given to". Said Dr. Wasonga. Furthermore University staff grievances include low and delayed salaries, non-remittance of statutory deduction and government failure to implement a comprehensive medical scheme. UASU and KUSU had earlier threatened to down their tools over non implementation of the 2021-2025 Collective Bergaining Agreement (CBA). "The 7-day notice which lapsed, we had

Greenpeace Africa urges negotiators to advocate for equitable climate finance for Africa

PHOTO: During the COP29 press conference in Nairobi. NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 19...Ahead of COP29 in Azerbaijan, African negotiators have been urged to seize the moment to secure equitable climate finance for the continent. The Greenpeace Africa and climate justice movements have presented a document to the African Group of Negotiators (AGN) demanding a push for an ambitious, needs-based climate finance framework. Among the key demands presented to African negotiators are calls for a New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) that prioritizes increased public climate finance, backed by a Climate Damages Tax (CDT) on fossil fuel extraction to generate the necessary funds. The campaigners further demanded for public and debt-free financing which would avoid further burdening Africa and economies while rejecting support for fossil fuel production and other dangerous distractions that prolong the climate crisis. Amos Wemanya, Responsive Campaigns Lead at Greenpeace Africa, said “Climate negotiations

Labour court issues temporary orders stopping nationwide lecturers strike

NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 18...The Labour court has issued a temporary orders stopping the University Academic Staff Union (UASU) from calling or inciting others to take part in any strike. Employment and Labor Judge Justice Jacob Gakeri issued the order following an application filed by inter-public universities councils consultative forum of the Federation of Kenya Employers. Subsequently the Judge certified the matter as urgent and directed the parties to continue negotiating to resolve the disputed issues. "Application is to be served on the union and interested parties in the case and be responded to within seven days" The matter will be mentioned on October 2 for further directions.

CS Kindiki says government committed to ensure peace and security across the country

NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 18... The Cabinet Secretary Interior and National Administration Prof. Kithure Kindiki has said government is committed to the realisation of peace and security across the country. Kindiki added that it is as a conditional precedent for the social economic transformation of the Country.  The CS held discussions with political leaders from Marsabit County to build consensus on priority interventions for improving the security situation and a coordinated implementation of Government development projects in the County. "Realisation of this objective requires constant harmonisation of initiatives and interventions by the National and respective County Governments as well as the involvement of the public through their elected representatives". said CS Kithure Kindiki.  Among those in attendance were Governor Mahmoud Ali, Senator Mohamed Chute, Woman Representative Naomi Waqo, MPs Dido Rasso (Saku), Guyo Wako (North Horr), Jaldesa Guyo (Moyale), Jose

Civil Society Organizations calls for urgent reconstitution of IEBC

PHOTO: Civil Society Organizations under Uchaguzi platform addressing the media during a joint press conference in Nairobi.   NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 16...The Civil society Organizations under Uchaguzi platform in a joint press conference have called on urgent  Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) reconstitution as the world mark International day for democracy. They said that the delay in recruiting IEBC commissioners has continue to undermine the constitutional functions of  the commission and fundamentally impacts not just democracy but citizens in the constituencies and wards that do not have representatives.   "Uchaguzi urges that every Kenyan has the right to representation and therefore the continued uncertainty on when to conduct the above by-elections may lead to the disenfranchisement of the respective residents of these electoral areas".they said in a statement. Uchaguzi platform brings together, six civil society organisations which inclu

'Government focuses on empowering Small Businesses for Economic growth' says Government spokesman Dr. Mwaura

PHOTO: Government Spokesman, Dr. Isaac Mwaura during the briefing at KICC, Nairobi. NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 13... The Government Spokesman Dr. Isaac Mwaura while addressing journalists has reiterated government's commitment in empowering the MSME sector which employes about 85 per cent of Country's workforce. Dr. Mwaura adds that President Ruto's administration has placed focus in supporting and enhancing the sectors ability to contribute towards the economic transformation through the Bottom Up  Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA). "It aspires to tranform the MSME economy to absorb the young Kenyans joining the workforce every year and grow the operational surplus for workers" said Dr. Isaac Mwaura. The spokesman adds that the government is committed to providing access to finance, enhancing infrastructure and capacity building while addressing issues that previously hampered the sectors growth. In addition significant progress include refurbishment and

The Nairobi Hospital says that its Financially Sound and Stable

By Hon. Dr. Chris M.N Bichage NAIROBI, Kenya Sep 13...The Nairobi Hospital opened its doors in 1954 as the European Hospital and ever since, it has grown from humble beginnings to a modern high-technology Hospital with a bed capacity of more than 400, six outpatient centers and a global medical evacuation centre. The combination of highly skilled medical specialists and modern medical and non-medical technology has placed the Hospital in a position to undertake a wide range of routine and complex investigations and procedures including Open Heart Surgery, Kidney Transplants, Trauma Care, Orthopedic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Laparoscopic Surgery, Cancer Therapy, among others.  Today, The Nairobi Hospital is renowned for emergency and trauma care, disaster response and critical care and has excellent facilities for providing high quality clinical and nursing care. The Anderson specialty clinics opened in 2017 comprise a variety of specialty clinics including Orthopedic, Well Bab

ODM appoints Kisumu Governor Anyang Nyong'o to chair Central Management Committee

PHOTO: Kisumu Governor and newly appointed Chair of ODM for Central Committee meetings Prof Anyang Nyong.  NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 11...The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party has announced Kisumu Governor Prof. Anyang Nyong to chair any meetings of the Central Committee as Hon. Raila Odinga focuses on African Union Chairmanship (AUC) campaign. The announcement was made after a meeting chaired by Odinga himself, signaling the party’s preparations for a potential transition as the veteran opposition leader shifts his focus to international leadership. Prof. Nyong'o, a seasoned politician and long-time ally of Odinga, is expected to take on the party leadership duties, ensuring continuity in ODM's political activities while Odinga pursues the AUC role. Odinga’s bid for the AUC Chairmanship has drawn widespread support, as it positions him on the continental stage, marking a potential new chapter in his illustrious career.  His focus on the AUC role comes after decades

JKIA at a standstill as staff down their tools

PHOTO:  Passengers stranded at JKIA as Staff go on strike. NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 11... Major disruptions have been experienced as staff strike at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) in Nairobi has left hundreds of passengers stranded. The strike has caused major delays in check-ins, security checks, and flight management with various Airlines suspending. "Passengers should check with their airlines for updates and alternative arrangements" reads a statement by Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) Aviation activities in other Kenyan airports including Mombasa, Kisumu and Eldoret cities have also ground to a halt owing to the strike. The airport workers' strike over the controversial Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) lease deal with Adani Group affected even airports in neighbouring countries. Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) has resolved in a meeting with an aim to adress the matter with immediacy having that incoming and outgoing passengers are unable to

Ministry of Health (MoH) dispatches four mass casualty kits to Nyeri's Hillside Academy

NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 9...The Kits have a capacity to serve upto 200 individuals with a complete trauma kit along with two complete response bags containing a range of drugs, supplies and equipment have been handed over to county government of Nyeri to support the ongoing response. According to the Government the fire incident at Hillside Endarasha Academy boy's dormitory in Nyeri county claimed 21 lives with 2 of the boys lost their lives while receiving treatment at the hospital, 19 bodies were recovered from the charred dormitory.  "Ministry's forensic team is collaborating closely with all agencies involved in identification of bodies of children who tragically lost their lives in the fire" stated Mwaura. The World Health Organization (WHO)  has supported the county with additional trauma kits to accelerate response amd alleviate suffering of victims of the calamity. Kenya Red cross on the other hand is coordinating support for affected parents and the s

Government disburses August 2024 funds for the Inua Jamii Cash transfer programme

PHOTO: Joseph Motari, Principal Secretary Social protection. NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 7...The Ministry of labour and Social protection has announces that it has released Ksh 3, 419, 699,500 for August 2024 payment to beneficiaries enrolled in the Inua Jamii Cash transfer initiative. August 2024 payroll consist of 1,215,343 beneficiaries in the Older Persons Cash Transfer program (OPCT) while 428, 42 in Orphans and vulnarable children cash transfer programme (CT-OVC). In addition 59,637 in Persons with Severe Disabilities Cash Transfer Programme ( PWSD-CT) totaling to 1, 703, 401 beneficiaries up from 1,681,623 in July 2024. This follows President William Ruto's directive in 2023 to upscale the program to 2.5 million beneficiaries which will be done phases. The initiative aims to support most vulnerable members of community by providing them with stipend to cushion them from poverty, hunger and improve their lives.   

PS Dr. Kipsang says specialized resources to be made more accessible and affordable to people with disabilities

PHOTO: Basic Education Principal Secretary Dr. Belio Kipsang speaking during KISE Expo 2024 at Kasarani, Nairobi.  NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 6...The Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE) 2024 expo kicked off at its headquarters in Kasarani, Nairobi with a theme "An African Expo on Specialised learning resources, Assistive devices and technology aiming at networks and partnerships establishment. Institutions of higher learning, government researchers, Educationists, Medical institutions, NGO's, parents, persons living with disabilities and caregivers among others convoke for the two-day expo. KISE Director Dr. Norman Kiogora lauded the government and its stakeholders for the support they have always accorded the institution. "This expo marks a great step to ensuring accessibilty and affordability of assistive devices lavereging on technology" said  Chairman KISE council, Habat Sheikh Abdi. Basic Education Principal Secretary Dr. Belio Kipsang who graced th

'JKIA is a National Asset and not For Sale' Goverment Spokesman Dr. Isaac Mwaura says

PHOTO: Government Spokesman, Dr. Isaac Mwaura during press briefing at KICC, Nairobi.    NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 5... Government Spokesman Dr. Isaac Mwaura in a press briefing has called out those Spreading false information on various Social media platforms alegging sale of Jommo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) to Indian private investors. "The Jommo Kenyatta International Airport is a National Asset constructed in 1978 and managed by Kenya Airport Authority (KAA) has seen significant infrastructure deterioration over the past 45 years its current state is inadequate to support the growing passenger and cargo traffic which surged beyond its 7.5 million passenger capacity to 8.6 million last year" said Dr. Isaac Mwaura. Mwaura added that its inconsistent with Nairobi's role as a major hub for multilateral and international Organizations  similar to cities like  Geneva and New York and is further strained by increased economic activity, tourism growth and the new Vis

National Police Service Commission (NPSC) announces salary increment for police officers

PHOTO: National Police Service Commission (NPSC) Chairperson Eliud Kinuthia speaking during the Press briefing at CBK Pension Towers. NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 5...The National Police Service Commision in a press briefing at its headquarters at CBK Pension Towers in Nairobi annouced Increment of police officers salaries. "Police constable salary has been increased from basic salary per month of Ksh 21,645 to 25,645 while longest serving police constable minimum gross salary of Ksh 50,145 upto a maximum of Ksh 69,640" said Eliud Kinuthia, Chairperson National Police Service Commission. Furthermore, the commission has increased Senior assistant Inspector of police (SAIG) salary from Ksh 200,889 to Ksh 221,915 with longest serving SAIG earning  Ksh 310,725 upto a maximum Ksh 409,365. "The commission wishes to confirm that same accounting officer for National police service has also paid salary increament and allowances for police officers serving in Haiti" added

Jimmy Wanjigi calls out the government over illegal abductions and dissapearence

PHOTO: Businessman Jimmy Wanjigi addressing the media during a press conference. NAIROBI, Kenya , Sep 4...Flamboyant Businessman Jimmy Wanjigi has called out the government over illegal abductions and disappearance of Kenyans since the start of anti-finance bill protests in the country since June. Wanjigi stated that the abductions have negatively affected the families leaving them in pain, worry and fear of whereabouts of their loved ones as some are still missing months after being abducted with no trace upto date. "The illegal abductions have turned families into pain and suffering with some as breadwinners in their families still missing causing the family pain and worry as they fear speaking out" said Wanjigi. Furthermore Wanjigi added that Kenyans have right to peacefully demonstrate stating that security officers turned on peaceful protestors, using force and weapons during the anti government protests where many were injured and others loss their lives. He