Kithure Kindiki officially assumes office of the Deputy President of Kenya

PHOTO: Deputy President Prof Kithure Kindiki.

NAIROBI, Kenya, November 8...After serving the country for a quarter of a century as a law lecturer, legal practitioner, Senator, Majority Leader of the Senate, Deputy Speaker of the Senate and most recently as the Cabinet Secretary for Interior, Kindiki now takes over office as the third Deputy President of the Republic of Kenya.

It remains astounding how a son of Kenya, born some 52 years ago in Tharaka, a remote part of the then Meru District and in a humble homestead of a rural clergyman and his housewife spouse could eventually get the opportunity to serve this Country in the esteemed and high office of Deputy President of the Republic of Kenya

"My assumption to the Office of Deputy President has presented me with an opportunity to reflect on our Country’s past, present and future", said Kindiki.

The DP adds that It is gratifying to see millions of patriotic Kenyans work hard every day, waking up early and sleeping late, to make an honest living, eat from the sweat of their brow and build the Country they call home

While it is true that formidable challenges confront us today, it is also true that we always find a way to surmount obstacles and protect our Country and its people from the shocks of the modern world.

Where a tiny number among us has tainted the Country’s image, the same has been repudiated by the exploits of millions of honest, patriotic and focused Kenyans who love their nation enough to protect it from the risks on its survival.

"Indeed, Kenya is a covenant Country, blessed with an industrious people and an incredible array of natural resources requisite for the creation of wealth, enough for all its people. We remain eternally grateful to the heroes and heroines who have ensured Kenya remains the blessed nation that it is".


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